Saturday, March 30, 2013

Quick chemo update and Therapeutic Thursday

Not feeling so hot today, so I shouldn't be on here too long, but I didn't want to post an update and request some prayers. I went in on Wednesday and my blood counts were really good. Even my red blood cells were in the black, which they never were ever before chemo, so that's a HUGE answer to prayer.

I had my second dose of Adriamycin and Cytoxin with no problems. We could, however, use your continued prayers. Jason has had a pretty high fever (102) for three days now. James is getting congested, and as an asthmatic, that's not something we take lightly with him. We've started him on his inhalers and he's not acting sick, other than the cough, so we're hoping it will turn out to be nothing. Gabby claims to have a scratchy throat, but she wanted a cough drop, so who knows ;-).

I was so tired from the meds and chemo that I neglected Therapeutic Thursday. Instead I would like to share this beautiful story someone shared with me on the condition I would keep it anonymous. Whether it took place on a Thursday or not, it is EXACTLY the type of stories I'm hoping we will all start duplicating on a regular basis.

I was at Walmart the other day picking up new sheets for [my daughter's] bed. As I'm standing in the checkout line I realize the woman in front of me has about 30 items in the speed check out. I started to get frustrated… Because what is she doing in the speedy checkout line you know? Then I realize as they're ringing up that the lady is very carefully counting and watching as the total cost. She gets very close to purchasing everything and realizes that she doesn't have enough money. I watch as this mom obviously embarrassed and her 12 or 13-year-old daughter start putting items back. Starting with a jacket for herself, two T-shirts for herself, a shirt for her daughter, and a pair of shoes for a little boy who wasn't there, I'm assuming her son and a pair shoes for her daughter. I started to get a little upset… And not really thinking about her but thinking about where I was when it was just [my daughter] and I and how hard it was to make ends meet. As the checkout lady is ringing me out I asked her how much the shoes were and both parents were just under $20 together. I purchased them left my wallet with the checkout lady so I could run and catch them before they left. As I handed the lady that bag, all I could say was "These are for you." She said "Really? Are you sure?" I said "Yes" and her. Daughter started crying...just a little. This story started out with me being frustrated because a lady in front of me had more than 10 items in the speedy checkout line and ended with me having five people waiting behind me so I could run out and bless this family and the checker. She couldn't believe what I was doing. Who in their right mind would help people like that?
My bad attitude, God's prompting and a little compassion.

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