Sunday, July 7, 2013

How God turned water into BBQ

I decided a couple weeks ago that every day the temperature reached 100 degrees or more in Modesto, I would take water to West Side Park. We've been able to do that four times to date, and then a friend gave me some bread, rolls and cookies to hand out along with the waters. I thought since we have the bread (and it's good, gourmet bread!), we should make sandwiches with it and pass those out. I asked around but only got two people to agree to go with me. Then at church today, one of those people approached me and said: "Hey, I have a bunch of hamburgers and hot dogs, buns, chips, condiments and plates left over from my BBQ on Saturday if you want them for tomorrow." Um, WOW!!!! I had been wondering where I would get the condiments and plates for the sandwiches, and now I have burgers and hot dogs too?! And chips!! "Oh, and cheese." He said. CHEESE?!?!? Do you know how rare it is for the homeless to have cheese on their burgers?! That stuff is expensive! CHEESE! We have CHEESE!! Amazing!
I asked my friend Justin if he could round up a few extra people to go with us, and he said "no problem. How many do you need?". My friend Jessie said she and her daughter would come too, and they would bring their folding chairs. She also gave me a drink cooler for the water. So now we had bread, buns, burgers, hot dogs, buns, drinks, condiments, cookies and plates. I decided to head down to CITP to let a couple of my friends down there know about the BBQ so they could spread the word. On the way there, I told the kids "Isn't this great?! Now all we have to buy is the lunchmeat and ice!" We get to the park and I was chatting with a friend, telling her about our plans for tomorrow. Never once did I mention the need for lunchmeat. As we're talking, she said: "Hey, I have a bunch of lunchmeat. Do you want it?" Um, YES!! Thank you!!
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how God changes water into a BBQ!

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