Thursday, July 4, 2013

Having a snowcone day

Sometimes I think the best way to understand how God must feel is to be a parent. How many times have we bent over backwards to spoil our kids, only to have them complain about what they didn't get! I took the kids to a carnival the other day (one of my least favorite places on earth) and bought them dinner there. Instead of a thank you, one of them pouted because I said they couldn't get a snow cone. I wasn't too happy with my offspring right then. There I was giving them an evening full of fun, but instead of being grateful, the focus was on what they didn't get.
I thought of that today. Today's been a rough day for me. Lots of memories are associated with this day and my heart hurts. I was looking through some pictures, seeing people I haven't seen in months, people whom I believed were some of my best friends but disappeared from my life when things got really rough, and I cried. I cried for the good times of old. I cried for each stab to the heart I took over and over. I cried in shame and anger for the abusive treatment I put up with for too long because I so desperately wanted to belong. And I cried because I couldn't go back to the days when I thought everything was ok, when the magic of what I wanted to believe blinded me to the reality I refused to accept.
Then I realized I was crying over a snowcone. I have such a beautiful life right now. Take tonight as an example. We were invited to spend the evening with friends tonight, not because they want anything out of us, or because they are paying us back for something, but simply because they love us. 

We just got home from a camp where love was showered on us. Everywhere I go, I am loved just because. I'm loved by people who KNOW the love of God and because they know it, they LIVE it. They don't just talk it, they walk it. I am in a much better place. I'm healthier than I've been in a long time. 
God has brought me to my carnival and now I can decide if I'm going to enjoy it, or cry over frozen teeth-rotting sugar.

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