Thursday, February 28, 2013

The night before chemo

It's the night before my very first chemo treatment and not surprisingly, I can't sleep. I'm sure the copious amounts of sugar I ingested today aren't helping in the slumber department! I figured today might be the last day in six months that I would actually enjoy what I was eating, so I ate whatever I darn well pleased. My body is not thanking me for that now ;-).
I feel as if I should have some big words of wisdom or insight, facing this monumental giant tomorrow, but to be honest, I'm mostly just feeling relief. Finally, we can get this started, and the sooner we get started, the sooner it's over and we can move on with our lives. If everything goes as planned, with no hiccups and/or schedule changes along the way, August 9th will be my last chemo treatment. I'm looking forward to that date with anticipation, but at the same time, I don't want to just hold my breath through the next six months. My life isn't stopping!! I don't want to "waste" this time.

Someone told me today that she hadn't visited me since my cancer diagnosis because "people don't feel up to visitors after surgeries and things". Please, dear friends, don't think of it that way! I don't want to be a recluse for six months. YIKES! Ask me, or ask Jason if I'm feeling up to visitors. We will be honest. And if you will agree to visit, I will agree to let you know when I've had enough. Some days, I may only feel up to a five or ten minutes, but those few minutes are SO refreshing! There have been a couple times in particular that I can think of when friends stopped by (Ann, Pamela, Drew, Tony and Tami, etc) and when they left, I had a smile on my face and in my heart that lasted for hours!
I need you, dear friends. I don't want to fight this battle alone and many of you have gone above and beyond to shower us with love over the past few months. Thank you for getting us through the first three surgery hurtles and the roller coaster of the diagnosis and test results and more diagnoses. Your prayers and support have been invaluable! Now we are entering stage 2 of this fight, and we need you still. Your prayers, your support, your visits, your love. They make all of this seem manageable, like a nuisance that will soon be over, as opposed to a giant that cannot be conquered. Thank you for fighting this fight with us and kicking this cancer to the curb...and beyond!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post, Becca. We are all anticipating the August 9 date - you will have metaphorically climbed to the peak of Mt. Everest then. Today's chemo is just the start of the climb. No part of this will be easy, but you will have love, help, and companions along the way.

    I do hope people get your message about short, frequent visits. They are rejuvenating! Let there be lots of visits!!!

    We are praying for you today, my dear, and want to know how we can help from a distance.

    Love you,
