Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Not so bad

Ah. Finally a minute to write...and my brain is so tired I can barely think straight. Jason's been gone on a business trip all week, and I seldom sleep well when he's gone, so I'm pretty tuckered out. Not to mention that my doctor still has me on Ativan, which makes me a bit sleepy as well.
I started having muscle spasms about three days after I got my Lupron shot. The spasms were similar to the ones that landed me in the hospital last Easter, and when I met with my psychiatrist, he said he thought it might be because I went off the Ativan I was on for chemo cold turkey. No one had told me not to do that, but apparently it can be pretty dangerous, so he had me go back on the Attivan. Sure enough, my spasms faded away into nothingness. I see him again tomorrow and we'll discuss how to get me off this stuff the right way this time!
The journey since the Lupron shot has been amazingly easier than I expected. I've been moody and irritable at times, with a hot flash here or there, but nothing like the thick depression I was expecting. Thank you to all of you who prayed for us. I will get my second shot in about two weeks, and then my estrogen levels should be down to zero, and I can start the aromatase inhibitors. No idea what to expect from those, but honestly, it doesn't matter. My health journey over the last two years has been incredibly trying and yet God has faithfully been there with me every step of the way. So no matter what lies ahead, I know He will walk it with me, and I find great peace in that.
I must go get James and take the kids to the library, so I will keep this post short. More to come later :-).

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